I am not just one to brag and I am not one to create new years resolutions. In fact, my porn addiction was broken before the new year. This is just a simple article on how I broke free from a porn addiction.

There are https://yadong.app/korea on the market with an addiction to pornography. One statistic that I read said up to 48% of Christian men were fighting an addiction to porn. Some 2 months ago, I was counted for the reason that number but not anymore!

There exists a procedure for repentance where for anyone who is desperate enough as a Christian you can cry out to God and be set free from porn. While you are really sorry for considering Innocent girls and really sorry for doing sexual sin to your own body and really sorry to God for doing it, you will be set free.

First of all though, you have to come to see what you are doing is really wicked.

If you feel justified because the girls are increasingly being paid, or you imagine watching a girl who will be doing sexual acts for other men to view whether you watch or not isn’t good enough. You will need to first understand that you’re wicked and watching a girl have sex is wicked rather than at all what God desires from you.

You have to arrived at a point where you hate the sin. You need to come to a point where you could be confident to say to God you will never do it again.

When you realise that a lot of girls that do a porn video only do one and leave the industry since they feel so humiliated and hurt by the knowledge, you may begin to have feelings for the indegent girls.

When you have done some serious though about how bad it is and you will be ready to really repent from your sin, just poor your heart out to God in a sorrowful prayer, telling Him if he grants you the grace you will not ever look at porn again.

When you are really serious and you also mean business with God, he’ll have an angel take the spirit of lust out of you and when you walk down the street the next day all of the girls will look different. No longer will your eyes be drawn to an exposed breast instead you’ll shift your eyes from looking.